Doctor Hoster (Pvt). Ltd is proud to be announce an authorized Reseller of PKNIC Registry. We will help you to choose and manage your .pk domain and transferring your pk domain on your name without any additional cost. You can register PK Domain only for Rs.2,999/- for 2 year. If you are familiar with the domain registration process, you can use PKNIC prepaid cards, which can cost you only for Rs.2,999/-.
You can buy a PKINC Prepaid Card from Doctorhoster through Bank Deposit, Credit Card/Debit Card, EasyPaisa, JazzCash and Paypal.
You can check availability for .PK domain name either on Domain Registration page or on the PKNIC website. If you use this page, you can check all .pk extensions (,,, etc.).
Once your domain registered, then you cannot able to edit or renamed.
Once your order is confirmed, initial registration complete instantly and your domain name is reserved only for you. It may take an additional 24 to 48 hours for name servers propagation.
.PK domains prices for 2 years is 2,999/- PKR which is 1,500/- PKR for one year, but for .COM domain price is 3,199/- for one year. In this way, .PK domain is cheaper than .COM domains.
Once your domain registered, then you cannot able to edit or renamed.
As per PKNIC policy, if registrant’s address not from Pakistan, then standard .PK prices will not apply.
You can buy just for PKR.2,999/- for 2 years.
PKNIC register domain names free of charge which only for Pakistan Government departments